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Rolli Days May 2019 - Other Monumental Buildings open

Rolli Days May 2019 - Other Monumental Buildings open

In the historic center of Genoa, many other monumental buildings will be open to visitors:

Villa del Principe
Banca Carige Art Collections
Iren Seat– Formerly Monastery of S. Bartolomeo
Monumental Complex of S.Ignazio - Archivio di Stato/National Archive
Albergo dei Poveri
Archives of “Magistrato di Misericordia” – institution of the ancient Republic of Genoa
San Luca church
San Torpete  church
SS Cosma e Damiano church

During the weekend, a number of Villa will be open to the public in Sampierdarena & Cornigliano:

In Sampierdarena
Villa Imperiale Scassi

In Cornigliano (Welcome Point at Giardini Melis – on front of Domenico Serra Villa)
Villa Gentile Bickley (Guerrazzi Public Library) - interior available for visits
Viilla Spinola Narisano – interior available for visits
Villa Pallavicini Raggi - interior available for visits
Villa Serra Ricchini - garden available for visits
Villa Spinola Dufour di Levante – garden and interiors available for visits - tour on the tower
San Giacomo Church