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Genoa is a “theatre city”, offering each year a rich and varied programme taking in a broad array of genres, such as opera and symphony concerts, classic plays, avant-garde performances, cabaret and children’s shows.

To promote the excellence and image of the city’s theatrical offerings and give the public the chance to enjoy the interesting and varied range of shows in and around the city, in 2011 the Municipality of Genoa set up a coordination forum in conjunction with the city’s main theatres in order to integrate promotion and increase the number of information and ticketing channels. All nineteen of the theatres located within the Metropolitan City of Genoa are active members of the forum.

And so February 2011 marked the birth of, the first web portal in Italy with information about all of the city’s theatre programmes, performances and services, as well as an online ticketing service.

The Teatro Carlo Felice is the city’s main opera house. Each year it offers a first-class season of opera and symphony concerts: not only classical ballet and lyric opera but also international productions. This magnificent venue also hosts the musical season of the Giovine Orchestra Genovese, an orchestra that combines performances of the highest quality with a strong spirit of innovation.

The Theatre of Genoa, a new reality born from the union of the Teatro Stabile di Genova and the Teatro dell’Archivolto, was awarded with the title of National Theatre by the advisory Commission of MiBACT.
This recognition is an award to the history of one of the most important cultural institutions of the city and crowns an excellent path of growth, proved both by the productive point of view and the constant growth of the subscribers. This position gives to Genoa and Ligury a role as absolute protagonist of the Italian cultural landscape. The National Theatre of Genoa operates in four different location from the city centre to the district of Samperdarena: the Teatro della Corte , the Teatro Duse, the Teatro Gustavo Modena and the Sala Mercato

There are yet more venues and theatre companies in the centre of the city: the Teatro della Tosse, for example, whose three auditoriums and foyer are constantly abuzz with meetings, readings and various other events, is not just a venue for its resident theatre company but a crossroads for artists and companies from all over the world, offering audiences a meeting place rich in fresh new cultural stimuli. Others include the Politeama Genovese, which has a long tradition of passion for the theatre in Genoa stretching back to 1821. Its rich programme includes many kinds of production, ranging from comic theatre, stage drama, comedies, musicals, dance, classical ballet and social drama, the Teatro Altrove della Maddalena, which concentrates on experimental theatre and artistic cross-fertilisation, or the Teatro Bloser, its name a portmanteau of “Beautiful Loser”, a venue in Piazza Marsala from which this innovative art performance theatre was recently born.

Piazza San Matteo is home to the Lunaria Teatro cultural association, which stages performances of classical poetry, from Euripides to Shakespeare, as well as museum promotion events and festivals. Since 2009 it has also organised the “Lunaria a Levante” season in collaboration with the Teatro Emiliani in Nervi.

The Teatro Garage, situated In the San Fruttuoso district, mainly focuses on contemporary drama, comic theatre and the “theatre of the absurd”. Moving up towards the Molassana area, in Via Salvador Allende, we find the Teatro dell’Ortica, which – uniquely in Liguria – stages social drama with the aim of reintegrating deprived, socially marginalised people into society.

To the west of the city, we have the Cinema Teatro Verdi, Sestri Ponente’s historic theatre, which was completely renovated in 2005 but which first opened in 1899. Its varied playbill traditionally devotes ample space to dialect theatre as well as opera screenings, and the Teatro Akropolis, a venue dedicated to artistic research, experimentation, production and scheduling of events in the field of contemporary performing arts at the international level.

Bolzaneto is home to the Teatro Rina e Gilberto Govi, a leading venue in the field of Genoese dialect theatre, which is typically comic in tone, although its programme also includes musicals, operettas, cabaret, jazz and rock concerts and children’s shows, while the town of Voltri has the Teatro Cargo. Funded by the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities, it presents experimental theatre performances in both the historic Teatro di Villa Duchessa in Galliera and the “Teatro del Ponente”.

Other theatres situated in the Metropolitan City area are the recently restored Teatro Sociale di Camogli, one of Liguria’s historic theatres, the Sipario Strappato in Arenzano, the Teatro di Sori currently under the management of the Teatro Pubblico Ligure, and the Teatro di Cicagna.



Genoa is a “theatre city”, offering each year a rich and varied programme taking in a broad array of genres, such as opera and symphony concerts, classic plays, avant-garde performances, cabaret and children’s shows.

To promote the excellence and image of the city’s theatrical offerings and give the public the chance to enjoy the interesting and varied range of shows in and around the city, in 2011 the Municipality of Genoa set up a coordination forum in conjunction with the city’s main theatres in order to integrate promotion and increase the number of information and ticketing channels. All nineteen of the theatres located within the Metropolitan City of Genoa are active members of the forum.

And so February 2011 marked the birth of, the first web portal in Italy with information about all of the city’s theatre programmes, performances and services, as well as an online ticketing service.

The Teatro Carlo Felice is the city’s main opera house. Each year it offers a first-class season of opera and symphony concerts: not only classical ballet and lyric opera but also international productions. This magnificent venue also hosts the musical season of the Giovine Orchestra Genovese, an orchestra that combines performances of the highest quality with a strong spirit of innovation.

The Theatre of Genoa, a new reality born from the union of the Teatro Stabile di Genova and the Teatro dell’Archivolto, was awarded with the title of National Theatre by the advisory Commission of MiBACT.
This recognition is an award to the history of one of the most important cultural institutions of the city and crowns an excellent path of growth, proved both by the productive point of view and the constant growth of the subscribers. This position gives to Genoa and Ligury a role as absolute protagonist of the Italian cultural landscape. The National Theatre of Genoa operates in four different location from the city centre to the district of Samperdarena: the Teatro della Corte , the Teatro Duse, the Teatro Gustavo Modena and the Sala Mercato

There are yet more venues and theatre companies in the centre of the city: the Teatro della Tosse, for example, whose three auditoriums and foyer are constantly abuzz with meetings, readings and various other events, is not just a venue for its resident theatre company but a crossroads for artists and companies from all over the world, offering audiences a meeting place rich in fresh new cultural stimuli. Others include the Politeama Genovese, which has a long tradition of passion for the theatre in Genoa stretching back to 1821. Its rich programme includes many kinds of production, ranging from comic theatre, stage drama, comedies, musicals, dance, classical ballet and social drama, the Teatro Altrove della Maddalena, which concentrates on experimental theatre and artistic cross-fertilisation, or the Teatro Bloser, its name a portmanteau of “Beautiful Loser”, a venue in Piazza Marsala from which this innovative art performance theatre was recently born.

Piazza San Matteo is home to the Lunaria Teatro cultural association, which stages performances of classical poetry, from Euripides to Shakespeare, as well as museum promotion events and festivals. Since 2009 it has also organised the “Lunaria a Levante” season in collaboration with the Teatro Emiliani in Nervi.

The Teatro Garage, situated In the San Fruttuoso district, mainly focuses on contemporary drama, comic theatre and the “theatre of the absurd”. Moving up towards the Molassana area, in Via Salvador Allende, we find the Teatro dell’Ortica, which – uniquely in Liguria – stages social drama with the aim of reintegrating deprived, socially marginalised people into society.

To the west of the city, we have the Cinema Teatro Verdi, Sestri Ponente’s historic theatre, which was completely renovated in 2005 but which first opened in 1899. Its varied playbill traditionally devotes ample space to dialect theatre as well as opera screenings, and the Teatro Akropolis, a venue dedicated to artistic research, experimentation, production and scheduling of events in the field of contemporary performing arts at the international level.

Bolzaneto is home to the Teatro Rina e Gilberto Govi, a leading venue in the field of Genoese dialect theatre, which is typically comic in tone, although its programme also includes musicals, operettas, cabaret, jazz and rock concerts and children’s shows, while the town of Voltri has the Teatro Cargo. Funded by the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities, it presents experimental theatre performances in both the historic Teatro di Villa Duchessa in Galliera and the “Teatro del Ponente”.

Other theatres situated in the Metropolitan City area are the recently restored Teatro Sociale di Camogli, one of Liguria’s historic theatres, the Sipario Strappato in Arenzano, the Teatro di Sori currently under the management of the Teatro Pubblico Ligure, and the Teatro di Cicagna.



  • Address: Piazza Renato Negri, 4 Genova 16123 Italia 44° 24' 17.5284" N, 8° 55' 53.328" E
  • Phone:+39 0102487011
  • Website:

  • Address: Via Pastorino, 23r Genova 16162 Italia 44° 27' 43.7868" N, 8° 54' 6.9444" E
  • Phone:+39 0107404707
  • Website:

  • Address: Passo Eugenio Montale, 4 Genova 16121 Italia 44° 24' 19.4868" N, 8° 56' 32.9064" E
  • Phone:+39 01053811
  • Website:

  • Address: Via Allende, 48 Genova 16138 Italia 44° 27' 10.0656" N, 8° 58' 31.2564" E
  • Phone:+39 0108380120
  • Website:

  • Address: Via F.Casoni, 5-3b Genova 16143 Italia 44° 24' 23.436" N, 8° 57' 28.0548" E
  • Phone:+39 010511447
  • Website:

  • Address: Piazza San Matteo, 18 Genova 16123 Italia 44° 24' 30.2508" N, 8° 55' 58.4904" E
  • Phone:+39 0102477045
  • Website:

  • Address: Via Mario Boeddu, 10 Genova 16153 Italia 44° 27' 20.7432" N, 8° 51' 10.1376" E
  • Mobile phone:+39 3389750256
  • Website:

  • Address: Piazza dei Cappuccini Genova 16122 Italia 44° 24' 43.56" N, 8° 56' 14.928" E
  • Mobile phone:+39 3287099193
  • Website:

  • Address: Piazza Odicini, 9 Genova 16158 Italia 44° 25' 41.736" N, 8° 44' 56.2848" E
  • Phone:+39 010694240
  • Website:

"GenovaTeatro": tutti gli spettacoli a portata di click! 

Genova è “città di teatri” e offre ogni anno un ricco cartellone che include diversi generi, dall’opera ai concerti sinfonici, dai classici della prosa agli spettacoli d’avanguardia, dal cabaret alle proposte per i più piccoli.

Al fine di promuovere l’eccellenza e l’immagine di Genova Città dei Teatri e per offrire la possibilità di accedere alla variegata e interessante offerta complessiva che gravita sul territorio genovese, il Comune di Genova, insieme ai principali teatri cittadini, fin dal 2011 ha promosso un tavolo di coordinamento per la promozione integrata e la moltiplicazione dei canali informativi e di bigliettazione. Al tavolo in oggi aderiscono tutti i diciannove teatri della città metropolitana.

È così nato, nel febbraio 2011, GenovaTeatro, il primo portale web in Italia nel quale è possibile trovare la programmazione di tutti teatri, avere informazioni su spettacoli e servizi ed acquistare i biglietti on line. Puoi consultarlo a questo link!

Genova città di teatri

In centro città

Il Teatro Carlo Felice è il teatro dell’Opera cittadino ed offre ogni anno una stagione operistica e sinfonica di grande livello, con balletti classici, lirica ma anche produzioni internazionali. La sua magnifica struttura ospita anche la stagione musicale della Giovine Orchestra Genovese, che coniuga l’alta qualità delle proposte con un forte spirito di innovazione.

Il Teatro di Genova, la nuova realtà nata dall’unione fra il Teatro Stabile di Genova e il Teatro dell’Archivolto, è stato nominato Teatro Nazionale dalla Commissione consultiva del MIC, Ministero della Cultura. Un riconoscimento che premia la storia di una delle istituzioni culturali più importanti della città e corona un percorso di eccellenza, riscontrabile sia dal punto di vista produttivo, sia nel costante incremento dei propri abbonati. Una nomina che consegna a Genova e alla Liguria, un ruolo da assoluta protagonista nel panorama culturale italiano. Il Teatro Nazionale di Genova opera attualmente in quattro sale dislocate tra il Centro di Genova e Sampierdarena: il Teatro della Corte , il Teatro Duse, il Teatro Gustavo Modena e la Sala Mercato

Ma i palchi e le compagnie teatrali del centro città sono ancora molti: il Teatro della Tosse che con le sue tre sale e un foyer sempre animato da incontri, letture e iniziative diverse, non è solo una casa per la compagnia della Tosse - ma un crocevia per artisti e compagnie da ogni parte del mondo, in cui offrire al pubblico un luogo di incontro ricco di novità e stimoli culturali. E ancora il Politeama Genovese, dal 1821 una lunga tradizione di passione per il teatro a Genova, è un teatro dal ricco cartellone con proposte di vario genere che spaziano  fra teatro comico, prosa, commedia, musical, danza, balletto classico, teatro civile; il Teatro Altrove della Maddalena, caratterizzato da sperimentazione e contaminazione artistica, o il Teatro Bloser, abbreviazione di Beautiful Loser, locale in piazza Marsala da cui recentemente è nato anche questo innovativo teatro di performance d’arte.

In piazza San Matteo ha la sua sede l’associazione culturale Lunaria Teatro, che porta in scena poesia classica, da Euripide a Shakespeare, ma anche eventi di valorizzazione museale, festival, e dal 2009 organizza inoltre la stagione di Lunaria a Levante in collaborazione col Teatro Emiliani a Nervi.

A Levante

Nel quartiere di San Fruttuoso è situato il Teatro Garage, che si occupa principalmente di drammaturgia contemporanea, comicità e del cosiddetto “teatro dell’assurdo”.

Salendo verso la zona di Molassana, in via Salvador Allende, si trova il Teatro dell’Ortica, unico nel suo genere in Liguria in quanto teatro sociale che si adopera per il reinserimento in comunità di persone in condizione di disagio ed emarginazione.

A Ponente

Spostandosi verso ponente, invece, si incontrano il Cinema Teatro Verdi, storico teatro di Sestri Ponente totalmente ristrutturato nel 2005 ma inaugurato nel 1899, che ha un variegato cartellone nel quale hanno tradizionalmente un posto di rilievo le commedie in dialetto ed un’attenzione particolare viene riservata alle proiezioni d’opera ; e il Teatro Akropolis, uno spazio dedicato alla ricerca, alla sperimentazione, alla produzione e alla programmazione di eventi nel campo delle performing arts contemporanee a livello internazionale.

A Bolzaneto si trova il Teatro Rina e Gilberto Govi, protagonista nel campo delle sceneggiature in dialetto genovese, spesso comiche, ma con un cartellone che propone anche musical, operette, cabaret, concerti jazz o rock e spettacoli per ragazzi. A Voltri ha sede il Teatro Cargo, sostenuto dal Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, che offre rappresentazioni di ricerca  sia nello storico Teatro di Villa Duchessa di Galliera sia nel “Teatro del Ponente”.

Nei dintorni

Nell’area metropolitana si segnalano il Teatro Sociale di Camogli, recentemente restaurato, uno dei teatri storici della Liguria, il Sipario Strappato ad Arenzano, il Teatro di Sori attualmente gestito dal Teatro Pubblico Ligure e il Teatro di Cicagna.

Qui sotto, trovi maggiori informazioni e i link ai siti dei teatri.