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Life, Death, Miracles. The Art of Longevity

Life, Death, Miracles. The Art of Longevity
Calendary Dal 23-02-2018 al 01-05-2018

Vita, morte e miracoli (Life, Death, Miracles). The Art of Longvity is the manifesto of Villa Croce’s new course.  

Inside the museum, the visual narrative of the forth and fifth age of life by some artists born in Genoa, or in connection with Liguria, - Renata Boero, Lisetta Carmi, Franco Mazzucchelli, Corrado Levi, Elisa Montessori, Anna Oberto, Rodolfo Vitone, joined by the thirty years old Nuvola Ravera, by Marco Bruzzone and by the “riviera artist” Jean Dupuy as a special guest - are blown up as a proved evidence of a thesis, deriving from a complex and detailed collection of scientific contributions concerning some researches on senility under way in Genoa

Curated by Carlo Antonelli and Anna Daneri

Hopening hours: 
thurday and fridayì:  11am - 6.30pm
saturday and sunday:  10am - 6.30pm
Closed: monday, tuesday and wednwsday

Ph. +39 010 580069

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