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Coniglio alla ligure


The triumph of a dish that enhances the scent and tastes of local gastronomy, in an extraordinary balance of harmonious shades that give superlative emotions to all gourmet. A set of simply divine flavors that will make your mouth water just to hear about it. A unique combination of the sweet rabbit taste, the slightly bitter of the Taggia olives, all flavored with spices, pine nuts and Rossese di Dolceacqua. If you are looking for a recipe that will surprise and delight your palate then do not hesitate to try it. A recipe handed down from generation to generation and even celebrated by Sorrentino in his Oscar-winning film "The Great Beauty", where during a dinner the cardinal Bellucci reveals in detail the preparation of this recipe.


Cut the rabbit into pieces and keep apart the head and liver. After washing and drying, place the pieces obtained in a pot with lid; and expel the mood that will be eliminated, over medium heat. Transfer the rabbit to an earthenware saucepan where oil will be poured. Add the bay leaf and thyme and sauté until golden.
Remove the rabbit from the heat and keep warm. Meanwhile boil the head and liver. In the sauce stew the onion, rosemary, pine nuts and chopped nuts, and slowly add the broth. Bone the head and mince the meat obtained together with the liver. Then add to the flavors the rabbit and minced meat and olives, sprinkled with wine.
Complete the cooking over a light heat and covered pot. Stir occasionally. Serve directly from the saucepan.


  • about 1 and a half kg rabbit
  • 100 g of taggiasche black olives
  • 1 onion
  • 1 sprig of rosemary
  • 1 side of celery
  • Thyme
  • a few bay leaves
  • some walnut kernels
  • 1 tablespoon pine nuts
  • 1 glass of red wine preferably Rossese di Dolceacqua
  • olive oil
  • salt to taste

Typical products:
